I would like to congratulate all those parents who raised the sore losers now living in Vancouver for a job "well done". I was on the same streets which were the scene of the riots yesterday, just hours before the final game of the Stanley Cup started and I will tell you that virtually all of the people waiting in lines to enter the bars were in their twenties and thirties.
Watching the live video footage of what transpired showed that nearly all of the rioters were in the same age group. No, I will amend that. ALL of the rioters were in that age group.
I've said it before on this blog and I will say it again; the parents of MY generation generally blew it on discipline and establishing a sense of right and wrong in a sizeable majority of their kids. Too many were molly-codelled and spoiled and raised to expect that the world owed them a living, that they could take what they wanted without working for it (which amounts to the same thing), that violence solves problems.
But this was no "problem" to be solved. It was a game and in games you have winners and losers. While I feel for the fans who were not part of the riots, I do not feel at all for those who looted and rioted. They do not understand that the shop owners and owners of the vehicles which were destroyed lost far more than a game. They lost property and perhaps their livelihoods after these hooligans smashed into their stores and burned their vehicles.
The police cars will be replaced and probably the civilian vehicles which were also destroyed. But what about the lost wages for the people who cannot return to work because the stores they work at either no longer exist or were heavily looted, like the Bay? Did the rioters think about them?
Like many of their generation (I call Generation "ME FIRST"), they saw an opportunity to take what they wanted and vandalise for the sake of vandalizing without regard to consequences.
So, to all those parents who raised such scum, congratulations. Your "New Age" politically-correct methods of raising kids without due regard to the well-being of others has succeeded. Your kids are now at the top of the heap for those most likely to dis-respect others in the pursuit of their own greedy little agendas of improving their self esteem and their pocketbooks.
Lets hope that the next generation of parents doesn't make the same mistakes.